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Secrets of Mount Elgon


Situated on the Kenyan-Ugandan border, Mount Elgon National Park is named after Mount Elgon, an extinct shield volcano which first erupted more than 24 million years ago.

Mount Elgon has the largest surface area of any extinct volcano in the world, and its 4,321m peak is the eighth highest in Africa.

Of the park’s 1,279km² surface area, the Ugandan section covers 1,110km² whilst the smaller Kenyan section covers 169km².


Mount Elgon National Park is home to a plethora of wildlife. The lower slopes of Mount Elgon are inhabited by buffalo, and a variety of small antelope.

The dense montane forest contains primates such as the black-and-white colobus monkey and the blue monkey.

The park is also home to over 300 species of bird, including the Tacazze sunbird and the lammergeier.

While at Hotel Rostows, you can see the Elgon mountain which is a few minute drive from the hotel.

(images by Jacob Wananda)

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